Suggestions will show after typing in the search input. Use the up and down arrows to review. Use enter to select. If the selection is a phrase, that phrase will be submitted to search. If the suggestion is a link, the browser will navigate to that page.

Canceling your reservation for a stay

Your plans have changed and now you need to cancel your reservation. No problem.

To cancel a reservation:

  1. Click Trips and select the reservation you want to cancel
  2. Under Reservation details, click Cancel reservation
  3. Choose a reason for canceling
  4. Click Cancel reservation

Check if you’ll receive a refund before canceling

You can quickly check if you’ll receive a refund before canceling.

If you're canceling because of an issue during your stay

If you’re experiencing an issue during your stay, you can ask your Host to fix it, request a partial refund, or request to cancel your reservation for a full refund.

Before canceling your stay, find out what your options are if there’s an issue during your stay.

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